Friday, November 7, 2008

Art Lighting As Art
By Russell Neal

To treat Art lighting as art in and of itself requires first an
understanding of the scientific and aesthetic qualities of
light. Light is a universal constant, because the speed of light
is the fastest velocity in physical reality, and it can neither
be altered nor exceeded. Light always travels in a straight
line, and any obstruction in its path casts a shadow. Light
always reflects to some degree off of any surface, which is what
makes it possible for us to see any work of art. Light also can
fill a space without consuming it, making it possible to use any
form of lighting as art provided the angle of incident is aimed
correctly at the piece. Improper angles will not only create
shadows resulting from light spillage, but they will create
glare as the beam reflects off the surface of the work back
toward the viewer’s eyes.

Because light possesses many qualities that are absolute and
inviolate, it is in one sense impossible to completely eliminate
glare and shadow, because no matter what you do, some light is
going to reflect off the piece, and sooner or later, the light
will encounter some sort of obstruction that casts a shadow. A
skillful art lighting company who specializes in designing light
as art understands this, and rather than engage in the futile
attempt to eliminate glare and shadow in defiance of the laws of
physics, works instead in harmony with Nature’s laws and seeks
to position any resulting glare and shadow outside of the
viewer’s line of sight.

The old cliché "Out of sight, out of mind," rings very true
when approaching artwork lighting as an art form unique unto

To accomplish this, it is necessary to understand angles from a
three-dimensional, as opposed to a two-dimensional, point of
view. Light striking the surface of any art, including modern
contemporary art from a nearby fixture constitutes one angle of
incident. The reflected light coming back to the observer
constitutes a second. The two must be measured carefully in
relation to one another if one is to determine the appropriate
position of any lighting fixture. If the right balance is
struck, then reflective glare and resulting shadow will be
hidden from his or her line of sight, allowing for an
uninhibited experience of light and art from that particular
viewing angle.

This calls for the art lighting designer to take a number of
factors into account when installing an picture or art lighting
system. First, the designer has to pinpoint all points of
observation within a room where viewers will possibly be
standing when they view various works. These points vary greatly
based upon the environment and the type of room involved.
Vantage points in museums are vastly different from those in
office foyers and private living rooms. Secondly, the designer
has to look at the surface of the art itself to assess its
reflective qualities. High-end photography and certain forms of
paint cause the surface of the image to have a “sheen” that acts
as a virtual mirror, casting not only reflected color back into
the eyes, but portions of the light beam itself. Dimmable,
recessed art lighting is often required for such artwork in
order to disperse illumination sufficiently not to shine back
into the eyes.

Finally, one very important element to art lighting as art that
many fail to even consider is the size and type of frame housing
the piece in residential art designs. Light from a fixture that
is placed too high will actually be blocked by the upper lip of
the frame and cast what is called a “frame shadow” over the
work. Something as simple as adjusting the level of the painting
can often remedy this problem, although in formal galleries this
may not be an option, and special fixtures with complex
reflectors and filters may be needed to create a more indirect
“wash” of luminance that results in both painting and frame
being bathed in a radiant field of light as opposed to a bright
beam of focused, direct light.

Perhaps one of the best tools available to art lighting
consultants is a high-end art projector that allows for a
variety of lighting level adjustments, advanced lighting filters
and special reflectors, and the ability to proportionately size
a beam to the precise dimensions of a work. While this does not
completely eliminate glare and shadow (which the laws of physics
mandate are inevitable with any form of lighting), it does give
the collector or curator more power to control these negative
elements, or in some cases, even turn them into art lighting

For example, many painters such as Goya, and certain genres
such as surrealism, rely upon shadows to emphasize themes
connected to the dark side of man, or the apparent duality of
Nature itself. Placing too much light on such artwork will
diminish its statement by overriding elements of shadow that the
artist intended to be present. Phantom art lighting projectors
can be dimmed and adjusted for such works so as to create a
“lighted from within” effect that preserves the artist’s use of
dark elements and negative images, providing just enough
visibility for the viewer to see the work and its key aesthetic

In a philosophical sense, we might say then that even darkness
comes from light, and reality is more of a variation in
luminance instead of a contrast between light and absence of
light. Art challenges our thinking in much the same manner,
forcing us to confront a world of color, light, and shadow that
coalesce together in often-ambiguous patterns that force us to
question our view of the world and explore the unknown through
the eyes of the artist. The same hold true when designing and
installing and designing landscape lighting.

To light art, you must understand both light and art, and art
as light from the vantage point of a trained consultant. While
becoming a consultant may take years of training and practice,
with the help of a qualified electrical contractor, you can
achieve the same results through partnership and dialogue with
an expert.

About the Author: Illuminations Lighting and Design
multi-specializes in a variety of indoor, outdoor, high-end, and
landscape lighting design services. ILD is also a licensed
electrical design and repair firm. Visit for more details.


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